The company's advanced technologies and sustainable practices allow us to extract and refine salt from natural sources in a manner that ensures their products meet the highest standards of purity and safety.

Medical-grade salt is an essential component in a wide range of healthcare applications. It is used to create saline solutions for intravenous therapy, to clean and disinfect medical equipment, and to manufacture pharmaceuticals. In all these applications, the purity and safety of the salt used are of utmost importance.

At ORWO Group, we understand the critical role that medical-grade salt plays in patient care. Our state-of-the-art facilities use the latest technologies to extract and refine salt from natural sources, ensuring that our products are free from impurities and contaminants that could compromise their use in medical applications. We employ rigorous quality control measures at every stage of the production process to ensure that our products meet or exceed the strictest medical standards.

Our commitment to quality and innovation has made us a trusted partner for Medical Manufacturers around the world. We work closely with our customers to understand their unique needs and provide them with customized solutions that meet their specific requirements. Our products are available in a variety of forms, including fine-grain, coarse-grain, and powdered forms, to meet the needs of different applications.

In addition to our commitment to quality, we are also committed to sustainability. We use sustainable practices in our production processes, minimizing our environmental impact while ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety. We believe that our commitment to sustainability is essential to our ability to provide high-grade medical salt products that meet the needs of the healthcare industry and protect the health of patients.

With our advanced technologies, rigorous quality control measures, and commitment to sustainability, we are well-positioned to meet the needs of the Medical industry and provide essential products that contribute to patient care and wellbeing.