ORWO Group has been a dedicated partner of the WFDP organization since 2015, with our Chairman Abdel Naser Sarhan serving as a member. As an exclusive printing partner of the WFDP, ORWO Group has been proud to offer high-quality printing services to support the organization's efforts.

Through our partnership with the WFDP, we have been working closely with the educational ministries of the countries participating in the WFDP's "Learn With Joy Project". Our goal is to provide educational books and materials to help support the advancement of education in these countries and promote their ongoing development.

At ORWO Group, we are committed to making a positive impact on society through our actions and partnerships. We believe that education is a fundamental pillar of progress and development, and we are honored to be able to contribute to the cause through our partnership with the WFDP.

As a socially responsible organization, we are committed to using our resources and capabilities to make a positive impact on society. Our partnership with the WFDP is just one example of the many ways in which we strive to make a difference in the world. We look forward to continuing our work with the WFDP and supporting their efforts to promote education and development around the world.